Welcome to betta

Software created by the people
who use it

We care about compliance, and we believe that good software makes everyone safer.

We’re risk assessors ourselves, and we recognised the need for a new, user-led risk assessment technology.

So, our team created betta for our own use – testing and refining it in the process. betta helped us complete risk assessments more efficiently and cut back on the time-consuming admin of producing reports. We realised that others could benefit from the software we had created, and decided it was too good not to share. Today, risk assessors around the UK are using betta to streamline their workflow and improve their efficiency.

We are a people-focussed company, and our team is committed to putting users first. Our prices will always be scalable, and we will never tie you down with hidden costs or contracts you can’t get out of.

"betta is, quite simply, a better way to work."

We’re a friendly bunch, call 01798 684990 for a no obligations chat about
how betta can work for your business.